A lot of industry professionals advocate a constantly varied training regimen in order to elicit body and muscle confusion. One problem with that, however, is that the body will be unable to adapt to a workout stimulus if the exercises and style of workout are constantly varied. Today, you’ll learn why constantly varying your exercises is a bad idea, and may be the reason why your results have been lacking.

Constant variation 

As mentioned previously, constant variation prevents the body from adapting, BUT trust me when I tell you that you actually want those adaptations. Weight loss, building muscle, and increased performance in any capacity are all adaptations. Achieving any of the aforementioned goals without consistent exposure, progressive overload, and adaptations can be a nearly impossible task.

Does that mean you should do the same workout routine forever? Hell no, because that would be super boring plus unnecessary. As you grow and evolve, your workout regimen should grow and evolve with you.

The Two things that Everyone Needs 

If you’re attempting to get results, there are two things that you need to have within your workout program. Progressive overload, which is a strategy for increasing load or difficulty of your program over time, and Linear progression, which is a structured format to your workout program. It allows you to see continued progress by progressing through phases, and works really well as a long-term reusable success strategy.

I hope this blog post points you in the right direction. Still have questions or concerns? I suggest you join my free Facebook group. We talk about topics like this weekly, plus you’ll be surrounded by a community of friends and like-minded individuals. https://www.facebook.com/groups/nerdswholiftweights

One thought on “Variation or Consistency, Which is Better?

  1. This systematic approach is directly related to the specificity training principle, which states that to target these performance characteristics or components, and elicit specific adaptations, training must be focussed on the desired elements of performance. At the final stage of the schematic representation of the sport-specific training optimisation model.

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